Monday, August 25, 2014


Hello Everyone,

Thank you for being a part of my Prayer Run.I feel very blessed to be surrounded by people who care love and support it is truly a gift.

A German poet and playwright once said.Kindness is the golden chain by which a society is bound together,Indeed I agree with him.We have in our lives encountered,heard or Received in part bad news Some news turn out just fine and other news stay with us,sometimes we choose to keep to our selves and at times we choose to share, to get encouragement.

Its however more challenging when you have to encourage a terminally ill person or one who has just received news as devastating about their health,but equally it is not a challenge to say a prayer or help say a prayer to these.One of my favourite women Mother Teresa once said..It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” 

I have compiled in my blog Inspirational thoughts about life and love, about my desire to support the terminally ill patients in these case Cancer,I have no power in me to go to all of them and promise heaven when they are suffering hell,I have no words to speak when they receive worse news than before,But what I can give to them,to let them know that I stand with them is do what I like most and that is Sports,I am Using this opportunity to sweat a word of prayer per 100M carrying with me your requests which will be signed on the Shirt,Your Donations of any amount will also be used to support a Cancer Foundation that the English speaking Church of Grenoble desires to aid NONE of which will be given to Me.I am therefore asking that you be a part of this prayer and for me PRAYER RUN to support all our sisters and brothers who are fighting,have fought or starting to fight a terminal illness like Cancer,Also your donations will be Highly appreciated A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. God bless you All.
Susan V

Bonjour à tous,

Merci,Je suis très heureux d'être entouré gens qui se soucient, d'amour et de soutien, il est vraiment un don.

Un poète et dramaturge Allemand dit. La gentillesse est la chaîne d'or qui une société est lié ensemble, De fait je suis d'accord. Nous avons dans nos vies rencontrées, entendues ou recus en partie les mauvaises nouvelles Quelques nouvelles tournent très bien et d'autres nouvelles séjour avec nous, parfois nous choisir de garder à nous-mêmes et parfois nous avons choisi de partager se encouragée.

Son cependant plus difficile quand vous avez à encourager une personne malade en phase terminale ou qui a venez de recevoir nouvelles aussi dévastateur sur leur santé, mais aussi ce n'est pas un challenge à dire une prière ou aider à dire une prière. Mère Thérésa a écrit ..C'est n'est pas combien nous donnons, mais combien d'amour nous mettons en donner. "

J'ai compilé dans ma pensée Blog inspirée sur la vie et l'amour et tout et sur ​​mon désir de soutenir les malades en phase terminale dans ces cas du cancer, je n'ai pas le pouvoir en moi pour aller à tous eux et promettre le ciel quand ils souffrent l'enfer, je n'ai pas de mots pour parler quand ils reçoivent pire nouvelles qu'auparavant, mais ce que je peux leur donner, pour aider à leur faire savoir que je suis avec eux est de faire ce que j'aime le plus et qui est Sport, je profite de l'occasion pour transpirer un mot de prière pour 100M avec vos demandes qui seront signés sur le T-shirt, vos dons d'un montant seront également utilisés pour soutenir une Fondation du cancer que l'Eglise de l'anglais Grenoble choisit pour aider. je demande donc que vous soyez une partie de cette prière pour soutenir tous nos frères et sœurs qui se battent, ont combattu ou qui commencent à lutter contre une maladie en phase terminale comme le cancer, outre vos dons seront appriciated. Un geste de bonté peut atteindre une blessure qui ne peut guérir la compassion. Dieu vous bénisse tous.
Susan V

Sunday, August 24, 2014


ISA 55 v 8...For My thoughts are not your thoughts,Neither are my ways your ways declares the Lord.

You don't always have to pretend to be strong and tough, there's no need to prove to anyone that everything is going well. Don't be concerned with what other people might be thinking, cry if you need to, throw something if it makes you feel better and gets rid of the frustration inside of you, It's good to let go, it's good to cry out all those tears. Because only then will you be able to smile again and see all that beautiful sunshine after the rainThere are days when you may feel that you are not good enough for anyone or anything, we all have days when we feel this way, perhaps there are difficulties in your life that are putting a cloud over you causing you to feel this way, what ever the reason remember you have the power to change things that are making you unhappy, because you deserve the best, and you are the best, don't let anyone or anything make you think you are not. BUT....‎"Prevent mistakes by making good decisions.Always before moving forward on anything in life.Take a step back, think, meditate, write a list of what good it would do vs what bad may come out of it.The best decisions are made using your mind vs the heart.

The heart works based on emotions and desires, where using your head, you will reason more effectively on the reality of the outcome of each situation, issue or desire your faced with or involve yourself in.

Just because you emotionally feel the impulse of want, crave or desire, it doesn't mean it's the best for you, most of the time it actually gets you into problems.

Where your mind will keep it real almost every single time, It will be able to decipher what's wrong or good about something, that is unless you let your heart take over your wisdom :-)

Move forward and gain wisdom from the experiences that life brings to your doorstep.

And learn from your mistakes as to not keep repeating them over and over because of those immediate impulses and desires.

Once you learn this valuable asset. Listen More, Talk less and Meditate.

Wisdom now begins". Susan xoxoxoxo


There is no such thing as a "broken family." Family is family, and is not determined by marriage certificates, divorce papers, and adoption documents. Families are made in the heart. The only time family becomes null is when those ties in the heart are cut. If you cut those ties, those people are not your family. If you make those ties, those people are your family. And if you hate those ties, those people will still be your family because whatever you hate will always be with you.” C. JoyBell C.

I love ropes, strings, threads, and dental floss. They all have purposes and uses. They tie things or weave things, together. Symbols often show us things that are together, symbols like a ring or flowers. Ties are good for us, unless they are too tight for a business man. Ties can also be difficult for us. No one can live well without ties. To be untied to the good things of connecting relationships is to miss out on what you were made for. Oh, yes, ties grow and stretch you and, sometimes, we want to break them but ties enrich life, ours and others.

I am a mender. I believe mending is a purposeful occupation in life. It has asked a lot of me but it has given me so much. Tying your life with others will get you struggle and challenge but it will get you connection and a future. It will bring you love and smiles and even tears and sorrows...but it will be so worth it in the whole scheme of life.

Broken, ends what has been mended or shatters what has begun or continued. We must take care of broken things and broken people. We do not know if this place will be our place someday. We must remember, we too, may have to cross difficult bridges some day. I want to cross those bridges with someone. Tying strings and threads, tight but with space, bring you the opportunity for love and lasting relationships. It is a most beautiful way to live and love life.Susan xoxoxoxo


Romans 8:24-25.... For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

Receiving the News that you have a terminal illness such as cancer can be devastating,As Gods children we want to believe that God has a reason and Purpose in our afflictions,We look to the bible for Inspiration,When we Know someone who is suffering or we ourselves have been Diagnosed with cancer.I have come to learn a lot from talking with people suffering with terminal illnesses,People i have counseled over the years and as i look forward to go for the 10km prayer for those that are suffering,fighting,and have received news of possible cancer of any kind,Here are a few thoughts I want to share from in scripts of the bible and others who have fought and gone ahead of Us,I hope they will Inspire those going through any kind of Situation and be rest assured It will keep you going.Because some days there won't be a Song in your heart coz of the agony,pain and fatigue or Tiredness.....SING anyway.Recovery is not bought by the Physician but by the sick person,you heal yourself by your own power given to you through the holy spirit,as you walk by the means of this power,or eat,or breath,or sleep,that power says YOU CAN DO IT even in pain.When the Japanese Mend a broken object,they aggrandize the damage by filling the cracks with gold,they believe that when something suffered damage it has a history,it becomes more beautiful,so if you are going through hell keep going,A great general once said ' Disease is a war with the Laws of our being and ALL war is HELL fear can keep us up all night but makes one fine pillow.When you feed your faith your fears starve to i read Paul's letters he reminds us in Hebrews that we should fight the good fight of faith it is a fight not a stand.....but when you are tired of fighting like any boxer who goes to his corner to get pumped up for the next round make sure you have Jesus and loving family  waiting for you in that corner and a crowd of supporters for that hope is EVERYTHING....Once you choose that hope Everything is possible.
I Have gone through lots with my children and i have learnt alot just by observation,that silenced me to look up more,If children have the ability to Ignore ALL odds and percentages,then maybe we can all learn from them,When you think about it there is no other choice but that HOPE.....or is there?We have two options Medically and emotionally,you either GIVE UP....or FIGHT the HELL...... so what is hope? Jesus says....He is our hope and glory,hope is Griefs best Music,Hope never abandons you,You abandon it,Some see a hopeless end others see an endless hope.Hope is the word which God has written on the brow of every man We cannot direct the wind as one person said but we can adjust the sails so its not our position but our disposition that makes us happy.
Every tomorrow has two handles,we can take hold of it by the handle of anxiety,or by the handle of faith.That our life's lesson look up to Jesus let him be your song,your strength and your hope he is waiting to charge you up on that corner,He will not abandon you.My 10km Prayer Run is for all of is a prayer that you will Love,Laugh,and mostly go through every situation every step with God guiding you and his light,his hope and joy shinning in you through the hell,by sending you nourishment for your soul,your body and your spirit...God bless you. With warmest hugs....Susan xoxoxo